Welcome to 31 Days of Bold Living. Whether you are looking for ways to add a little spice to your life or are unsure how to incorporate boldness into your everyday routine, maybe these posts will help. I don't claim to be an expert, though, so even if I don't know who you are, please don't hesitate to leave a comment if you feel so inclined. That is, after all, the whole point of blogs. Sort of.
Below you'll find links to all of the posts for this series. Enjoy!
Day 2: Boldness defined
Day 3: Why boldness, and not bravery?
Day 4: The bold apostle
Day 5: Boldly defend beliefs
Day 6: Choosing to live boldly
Day 7: Boldness in creativity
Day 8: When boldness isn't the answer
Day 9: Bold literary characters
Day 10: Formatting text
Day 11: Missionary friends
Day 12: Practicing what you preach
Day 13: The bold outlaw
Day 14: Bold obedience
Day 15: The aftermath of a bold move
Day 16: To be more than ordinary
Day 17: A breakdown of the Hogwarts houses
Day 18: The 5K I almost ran
Day 19: Boldness in the kitchen
Day 20: Why I take risks
Day 21: A bold playlist
Day 22: Pretty much the boldest person I know of
Day 23: When bold living doesn't change your situation
Day 24: Halloween at work
Day 25: One sentence
Day 26: Progress report
Day 27: Boldly living in the present
Day 28: Balancing boldness with contentment
Day 29: A side effect of bold living
Day 30: What a life of boldness looks like
Day 31: Final thoughts
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