When I started this project, my biggest worry was that I would say everything I wanted to say by October 15, and then I'd be desperately grasping for publishable ideas for the rest of the month.
So it didn't surprise me that I spent all day today racking my brains, seizing on everything that was said during church and trying to spin it into a blog post. Sometimes that works, but today it didn't.
I've found that when I'm suffering from writer's block, it's usually because I'm not living enough. Life has so much inspiration to offer, but it's difficult to recognize that when you're not living to the best of your ability.
Most of what I've had to say about boldness so far comes from thoughts I've had throughout the year as I've tried to live more boldly, but I haven't had much experience to draw from in that area this month. Oh sure, I've had a lot of good excuses. Work has been exhausting. Past attempts at boldness didn't work out the way I wanted them to. I'm tired of doing everything on my own.
But I think I'm ready to practice what I've been writing about for the last 12 days. It takes work to live a life worth writing about, but I made a commitment to see this challenge through. And who knows—maybe it'll take me someplace unexpected.
This list still has more empty spots than filled ones, because October still isn't halfway over yet. Rude.
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