Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, so let it snow and become a winter wonderland

This morning I finally got what I wanted: I woke up to that magical winter wonderland. The other snowstorms we've had don't really count because they were expected and disappointing to boot. Today the only precipitation I expected to get was rain. Instead, I woke up to an unexpected 6–8 inches of snow, and the snow was still falling. A perfect December morning. The kind that I look forward to all year and that makes me feel like a kid again.

A few things I am grateful for as I sit next to the Christmas tree in the warm living room while sipping a cup of cocoa:
  • The fact that I went to bed early last night so that I was actually chipper at 7 am (that only happens about once a year) and got to enjoy the fresh snow and Christmas lights for a few minutes before the sun was fully up.
  • My job interview in Salt Lake was yesterday and not today.
  • The adventure of taking Kimberly to the bus stop.
  • The fact that Kimberly got stuck so that she couldn't drive her dying car in the middle of a storm.
  • The fact that we made it to the bus stop in time (despite the incredibly slow minivan in front of us) so that I didn't have to drive all the way to Provo.
  • The 3 snow-themed songs in a row that I heard on my way back to Elk Ridge after dropping Kimberly off at the bus stop.
  • Good tires. My car rocks, even though it has no personality.
  • The adventure of unburying Kimberly's car and getting stuck twice while driving it around the block.
  • A brother with muscle and a love for things with motors.
  • The fact that Tyrel finally stopped talking about iPads and other i-things so that he can plow Brother King's driveway before he goes to work.
  • I finally get the snow day I've always wanted—no work or school for me!!!!
And even though it took me an hour to write this post because I had to keep going outside to unbury or move something, it is still snowing. It's going to be an awesome day.

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