Saturday, December 14, 2013

My 2013 in review, according to Facebook

Part of my job as a copywriter is to read industry news every morning. Around this time of year, every website, blog, and organization does a "Recap of This Year" or a "Predictions for Next Year" post.

I don't read those posts anymore. 

I did, however, entertain the idea of writing my own "Recap of 2013" post. After all, people do it all the time when they send out Christmas cards. 

But I couldn't settle on a specific goal for this post: should I be funny? insightful? Should I make a list, or go for the essay format?

So many options, so many different ways I could talk about myself.

Then I saw that Facebook had compiled my top 20 moments of 2013 for me, and I immediately knew how this post would go.

So here it is: My top 2013 moments, according to Facebook.

#1. I started 2013 on sure footing.

#2. I started school without any distractions.

#3. The January blues hit and I started to miss my sisters.

#4. Unsurprisingly, Kimberly was feeling the same way. Have I mentioned that we have the same brain?

#5. A month and a half into the new year, I enthusiastically threw myself into my studies.

#6. Then I shrunk myself.

#7. I suffered temporary, but severe, memory loss.

#8. Since family relations are important, I made sure to keep those lines of communication open so we can always talk about the important stuff.

#9. I remembered my parents' anniversary.

#10. I marveled at American culture.

#11. I happily welcomed summer.

#12. I defended my major and three people supported me.

#13. I looked out for my own safety.

#14. I became a master at managing my down time.

#15. I shared my testimony with my friends.

#16. I celebrated the most important holiday of the year with Harry Potter and chocolate.

#17. J.K. Rowling gave me an early birthday present.

#18. I got a very specific number of happy birthdays on my unlucky birthday. Coincidence? I think not!

#19. I dressed up for Halloween.

#20. I got a last-minute invite to wake up early on a Saturday morning.

1 comment:

  1. I remember seeing a lot of those moments! Now I need to figure out what facebook thinks of my year...
